#disable startup message
startup_message off
term "xterm-256color"
# add hardstatus
#caption always "%{=u .r} %-w%<%{=ub .Y}%n %t%{=u .r}%+w "
caption always "%{= wk} %{= KY} [%n]%t @ %H %{-} %= %{= KR} %l %{-} | %{= KG} %Y-%m-%d %{-} "
hardstatus alwaysignore
#hardstatus alwayslastline "%{= .K} [%l]%<%=%{= .R}@%H %=%{= .m} %Y/%m/%d%{= .M} %0c "
hardstatus alwayslastline " %-Lw%{= Bw}%n%f %t%{-}%+Lw %=| %0c:%s "
termcapinfo xterm*|rxvt* 'ti@:te@'
termcapinfo xterm ti@:te@
# avoid tab cuase screen flash
vbell "off"
# default UTF-8
defutf8 on
# Support alternate screens so that, for example, when you
# quit out of vi, the display is redrawn as it was before vi
# redrew the full screen.
altscreen on
# Start a number of initial shells and give them titles which show up in the status-line
screen -t Code 0 bash
screen -t Testing 1 bash
# HotKey
## Alt + r : clear top screen ( C-a c)
bindkey "^[r" clear
## Alt + s : get into copy/scroll mode ( C-a esc )
bindkey "^[s" copy
## Alt + h : working at background (C-a d)
bindkey "^[h" detach
## Alt + i : display all screen ( C-a * )
bindkey "^[i" displays
## Alt + d : close top screen ( C-a k)
bindkey "^[d" kill
# Alt + l : lock up the screen ( C-a C-x )
bindkey "^[l" lockscreen
# Alt + j : switch to next screen ( C-a n )
bindkey "^[j" next
## Alt + k : switch to prev screen ( C-a p )
bindkey "^[k" prev
# Alt + w : close now split area ( C-a X )
bindkey "^[w" remove
# Alt + t : add new screen ( C-a c)
bindkey "^[t" screen
# Alt + o : split screen horizatal ( C-a S )
bindkey "^[o" split
# F2 : change the screen title ( C-a A )
bindkey -k k2 title
# Alt + `/= : switch to specific screen num
bindkey "^[`" select 0
bindkey "^[1" select 1
bindkey "^[2" select 2
bindkey "^[3" select 3
bindkey "^[4" select 4
bindkey "^[5" select 5
bindkey "^[6" select 6
bindkey "^[7" select 7
bindkey "^[8" select 8
bindkey "^[9" select 9
bindkey "^[0" select 10
bindkey "^[-" select 11
bindkey "^[=" select 12